Is Vaping Really a Safe Alternative to Smoking?

We know that this time of life for our kids is one of figuring out who they are and what they want to be. We know that teens, in particular, sometimes want to forge their own paths and create their own identities. We remember what that was like, and we want to encourage creativity and growth in all of our patients. But as a trusted dental health care professional, we have a responsibility to keep our patients safe from products that could cause lasting damage. Vaping and its overall health risks have been a frequent topic lately, but did you know that it not only affects the lungs and general health, it also can have negative effects on your oral health.

Vaping will do nothing for you or your image except cause damage. It’s the truth.

There are still concerns from healthcare professionals that vaping causes gum disease and oral cancer, which are two things you probably thought you could avoid by vaping. Unfortunately, that’s not the case; these are still major issues. While many people have tried to use vaping as a means to quit smoking, federal agencies are still investigating vaping’s implications for public health. For that reason, the American Dental Association has adopted an ad interim policy on vaping — calling for a total ban on vaping products that aren’t approved by the FDA as a substitute for smoking. So we absolutely want to caution both you and your teen to consider the dangers of vaping. You can read more about this policy from the ADA here.

Vaping Negatively Impacts Orthodontic Treatment

Because of the damage it causes to the gums, vaping also makes the process of orthodontic treatment slower and less effective. We know that many people who smoke tobacco or use a vaping pen have weighed the health risks and still opt to continue smoking, but if you’re paying for orthodontic treatment, vaping becomes more than a health concern — it also becomes a significant financial concern.

The last thing we want to be is a killjoy. We love our patients, and we want to keep you safe as best we can. Slowing down treatment time or ruining your orthodontic treatment altogether is detrimental to your oral health — and your wallet — so we want to be sure you and/or your teen understand the dangers of vaping on overall health and dental health.

If you have any questions, just let us know!

Reuland Orthodontics Staff Candids 2018 13 - Vaping Isn't Just Bad For Your Lungs

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