I wanted to take just a second to talk about my absolute favorite thing at Reuland & Barnhart Orthodontics: This Team!

Every day that I come to work, I feel so blessed to be working with this amazing group of women. I’ve been given an opportunity to work with the most skilled orthodontic staff out there, and they make it possible for me to do my very best work as an orthodontist.

When you come into Reuland & Barnhart Orthodontics, you’ll know right away that our team has the most fun and unique blend of personalities making our office feel like family. When you visit us, you’re joining the family and the fun on your way to a beautiful smile, and I couldn’t be more proud be working with them.

Because of how amazing they truly are, I wanted to make sure we focus sections of our new website pictures and videos on this awesome group of women — who are more family to me than they are staff. My name may be on the building, but I can’t do this without them!

As you get to know them, I think you’ll agree that they deserve the attention and credit for how great they make our office.!

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Kim Reeves

Office Manager

Who would win a fight between Batman and Spiderman?

Why wasn't wonder woman an option??? I choose her!

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Melissa Whitehead

Marketing & Scheduling Coordinator

What is your favorite 90's jam?

Seriously too many to name! Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden, The Boy is Mine - Monica, Gettin' Jiggy wit it - Will Smith, Zombie - Cranberries, and The Sign - Ace of Base (I absolutely LOVE 90's music.)

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Samantha Denney

Orthodontic Assistant

What's your favorite holiday?

Christmas--the family time that comes with the holidays is my favorite.

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Lindsey Mink

Orthodontic Assistant

What or who inspires you?

My mom because she has all of the patience and understanding that I wish I had. She is extremely good at turning the other cheek, something that I'm not great at.

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Susan Miles

Treatment Coordinator

Do you have a nickname?

Smiles - because my first name is Susan and my last name is Miles. So people just started calling me Smiles.

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Wendy Wisenbaker

Orthodontic Assistant

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

To teleport anywhere I wanted to go because I live an hour from work and some days I just want to snap my fingers and be home.

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Amber Bowins

Clinic Director

Would you be a good President of The United States?


Are you a morning person?

By noon I am.

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Kelse Hollowell

Orthodontic Assistant

What TV show are you most likely to binge watch?

Law and order SVU, criminal minds and NCIS because of the suspense ?

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Kaysi Gomez


What's the best place to eat in the area?

Home, because you know whats going in your food. You can add and have as much food as you want and it will always be authentic.

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Kassye Kennemer

Orthodontic Assistant

What's the best place to eat in the area?

Chuys has the best jalapeño dip and fajitas. Stanleys has the best BBQ and a great atmosphere with their live music. Kawas for sushi.

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Melissa Rodrigues

Clear Aligners Coordinator

If you were a kitchen appliance what would you be?

A kitchen aid mixer, bc I'm expensive and I like to mix things up.

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Alli Garcia

Orthodontic Assistant

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Be invisible because you could always know what is going on when no one thinks you are there.

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Dr. Reuland


If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

I'd be ElastaGirl from The Incredibles! Why? Because she's amazing and I love how she balances being a superhero with being a loving mom!

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