Feeling self-conscious about your smile affects more than just your appearance. It can hold back your natural smile, putting a damper on your joy and negatively impacting your mood.
When you suppress your smile, others might misinterpret your expression by assuming you’re upset or unfriendly, when in reality, you’re simply uncomfortable with your teeth alignment.
Clear braces can change all of that.
Spread your inner joy when you feel comfortable and confident about your beautiful smile.
Why Choose Invisible Braces for Flint, TX
Virtually Invisible
Clear braces are almost undetectable, allowing people to focus on your personality instead of your braces.
You don’t have to worry about losing or forgetting to wear clear braces, as you might with clear aligners.
More Effective
Clear braces are simply a more effective option than aligners for those who suffer from severe misalignment.
Modern invisible braces have no sharp edges, so they are more comfortable than traditional metal braces.
Invisible Braces for Flint, TX, Are an Inconspicuous Option
“Invisible” braces are actually made of a translucent or tooth-colored ceramic material, causing them to blend in with the natural color of your teeth.
If you are interested in less noticeable orthodontic treatment to re-align your teeth, invisible braces may be right for you.
Trust Reuland & Barnhart for Clear Braces for Flint, TX
Our knowledgeable staff will help you understand the benefits and drawbacks of choosing clear braces to correct your misalignment.
Then, we will design a treatment plan and place your clear braces to achieve a perfect smile in less time than you might imagine
What Are Clear Braces?
Clear braces are a relatively new alternative to traditional metal braces. Made of transparent or tooth-colored ceramic brackets and wire, invisible braces are an effective option for those who want to straighten their teeth inconspicuously.
How Do Clear Braces Work?
Straightening your teeth with clear braces is similar to the process for traditional metal braces.
- First, you’ll consult with an orthodontist who will assess your teeth, bite, and overall oral health to determine if clear braces are a suitable option for you.
- If clear braces are recommended, the orthodontist will take x-rays and impressions of your teeth to create a personalized treatment plan.
- The orthodontist will then place the brackets and attach the archwire, which will apply gentle pressure to move your teeth into the desired position.
- Approximately every 4-8 weeks, you’ll return to your orthodontist for a check-up to track your progress and make adjustments to the tension on the archwire.
- Once your treatment is finished and your teeth are properly aligned, you’ll wear a retainer to maintain your amazing results.