The Surprising Benefits of Metal Braces in Lindale, TX

Metal braces have gotten a bad rap.

But modern metal braces have some surprising benefits, making them a great option for many patients.

Learn More About Your Braces OptionsMake An Appointment

Better Than Your Parents’ Metal Braces

Better Results

What if you only had to wear braces for 18-24 months?

We’re serious about quality! Because of that our office uses Ormco twin-bracket braces that help us provide you with a great experience.

Greater Comfort

What if we promised you’d have little to no pain?

Our braces allow us to achieve amazing results in less time than before. We're seeing treatment times around 18-24 months!

Fewer Visits

What if we could free up more of your valuable time?

Our metal braces straighten your teeth with gentle, consistent force for fewer visits.

Higher Quality

What if we told you that quality matters?

And because quality matters to us, we only use Ormco twin-bracket braces.
What if you could have a better smile today?

Ready for a Better Smile? Make An Appointment

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High-Tech Metal Braces Orthodontics in Lindale, TX

Have a faster, gentler experience with Ormco twin-bracket braces. Our high-tech braces utilize a unique metal bracket to hold the archwire in place, making it easier and less painful to mobilize teeth fast.

Experience modern metal braces for yourself. Schedule an appointment today.

We Also Offer Clear Braces

Experience a clear difference with Clarity Advanced Clear Braces from 3M. This technologically advanced option allows patients a discreet alternative to metal braces when looks matter.

Learn more about the advantages of clear braces when you schedule an appointment.

Learn More About Metal Dental Braces in Lindale, TX

Drs. Reuland and Barnhart use only the best equipment, tools, and techniques to ensure your experience exceeds your expectations.

Want to learn more about Braces and Clear Aligners? See our posts

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